Loovfelt wool products

Whether it's a tea cosy, plaid, cushion or chair cover, if it's made from sheep's wool, it's natural and warm. A pot of coffee or tea stays hot for a long time. Under a blanket, you feel warm in a cool room or on a chilly summer evening. Wool lets your skin breathe and doesn't absorb moisture like cotton. Wool feels like a soft cuddle!

Black sheep, white sheep

Sheep wool comes in several shades, naturally. These are usually natural white, black and grey tones. Sometimes sheep's wool has a warmer hue, sometimes colder. But they all have the same characteristics. No matter what colour wool the plaid is, it's still warm all the same.


How To Care For Wool and Felted Items

Wool fibre can be considered a self-cleaning and antibacterial material. Therefore, wool does not need regular washing. The best care is airing it in a place sheltered from direct sunlight. To wash woollen items, use special mild detergents for wool and silk. Wash by hand in 30-40º C (86-104º F) water. When washing, do not rub but crush lightly. Squeeze out excess water, but do not wring.

Nõelvilditud pildiga lambavillast kannumüts

Olgu kannumüts, pleed, padi või toolikate – kui see on lambavillast, siis see on loomulik ja soe. Kohvi- või teekann püsib kuum tükk aega. Pleedi all on soe nii jahedas toas kui külmal suveõhtul. Vill laseb nahal hingata ega kogu niiskust endasse nagu puuvill. Vill mõjub kui pehme pai. Pildil on vilditud kannumüts, mida käsitööhuvilised …